Trademark Registration in China
The process of registration in China can take up to 16 months, but once registered, a trademark registered in China is valid for 10 years and is renewable.
Application Procedures
1. Define the sign
The sign and class(es) of goods or services for which it is to be registered as a trademark.
2. Trademark Search
Conduct a search to check if there are any existing or identical marks.
3. Preparation of application
Documents to be submitted:
- Power of Attorney
- Trademark Application Form (must the list of the goods and/or services to be covered by the mark.)
- Identification:
- Companies: one copy of the Business registration certificate.
- Individuals: copy of ID or passport
- Trademark reproduction:
- Colored trademark: 1 copy in color and 2 copies in black and white.
- Black and white trademark: 1 copy in black and white.
- The size of the reproduction should be between 5 cm – 10 cm.
- Trademark search fee and registration fee per item per class.
4. Application submission
The Trademark Office will issue a notification of application within 30 days of the application submission.
5. Examination
Once filed at the Trademark Office, the trademark office will conduct their pre-approval process. Applicant’s trademark will be processed to check that it can be registered. If not, a notice of rejection will be issued. If registrable, pre-approval will be given.
6. Announcement
The Trademark Office will publish the trademark to the general public after the pre-approval. The announcement will remain open for objection for 3 months. This is the time allowed for opposition or third party observations that may affect an application.
7. Issue Certificate
If there is no objection from the public, then the Trademark Office will proceed to issue the Trademark Certificate within a month after the end of the announcement period. The trademark is registered and the registration is published. This is done so that other trademark owners and the public in general are aware that this particular trademark is now owned.
All application documents should be signed by the applicant with a company stamp, if available.
Contact us if you wish to register a trademark in China. We are here to help you navigate the application process.